Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Challenge time...become a rider for a month

One thing that always keeps you sharp is a challenge. 

Since the Tour de France is now underway, challenge yourself to become a rider for a month and ride everyday the Tour does.  This would be 21 days of riding in 23 days. 

This challenge is about consistency, endurance, and volume.   By no means do you have to complete a century every day, and nor do you have to ride hard all the time.  All you need to do is ride consistently.

Get on your bike and ride.  One day you may want to ride hard and long, the next easy, and the next a short, but intense hill workout.  All are good.  Just make sure to pace yourself to make it to the end.  And if you miss a day or two...don't worry because you'll still be benefiting from a significant volume.

So far I've ridden the day of the prologue, and the first three stages.  Tonight's ride will be another to match  stage four.

At the end of each week, I'll post my stats and throughout I'll bring you up to speed on my progress. 

If you decide to take on the challenge, I'd love to know how you are doing.

Until next time, keep tri'n.


  1. Can't ride every day, have to swim and run too!

  2. That is true Jim. But three weeks over 52 is not extreme. Besides my biking can use improvement. And I find that my running is brought up as well.
    Cheers, and thanks for the post.
